These chew bones with duck by Pets Unlimited are responsible chewy treats for dogs. Made from beef-hide wrapped in tasty duck and 100% natural.
These small chew bones by Pets Unlimited are the ideal snack for your dog. These duck chews are tasty, free of artificial additives and low in fat, so they are a responsible addition to your dogÎs daily menu.
Chew bones are conducive to your dogÎs dental health. Chewing the tough beef-hide helps to clean the dogÎs teeth, contributing to a strong set of choppers. Munching on these bones is also great for your pupÎs gums, which promotes good overall health in your pet.
Dogs love chews and treats, so give your dog hours of chewing pleasure as well as healthy teeth with our tasty chew bones. These chew bones are not suitable for dogs under 4 months.